Because of our continuous R & D programs, we are continually pushing the boundaries of lift table performance. We go well beyond “clean sheet” custom design. Many of these developments can be applied to other customer applications:
• Position control systems with guaranteed accuracy of +_ .030” accuracy
• Simpler, less expensive position control with +_ 1/8” accuracy
• 200 foot per minute down speeds (when the customer observed it, he asked us to slow it down)
• Multi-lift synchronization on a single power unit
• “Intrinsically Safe” wiring as a low cost alternative to some explosion proof applications
• Customer control interfaces with sophisticated programmable controllers
• Super large – Super high capacity – Super unusual custom platform and lift configurations
Our custom scissor lift tables help increase productivity, safety and efficiency. From custom hydraulic lifts to pneumatic lift platforms and more, we have many options to choose from. Shop our selection today!