Our array of top of ground dock lift models is the most extensive in the industry. Some of the models are in their sixth or seventh iteration since creation in 1974, because we have been constantly improving our products to increase durability and provide our customers with the best possible value. To find the correct series of lifts for you, simply look for the symbol of the equipment you are using for material handling in the charts above and the series above that symbol should fit your needs. The “How To Select A Proper Dock Lift” and “Dock Lift Accessories” tabs may also be clicked to provide more assistance in choosing the perfect fit for your application.
The chief advantage to top of ground dock lifts (instant docks) is the lack of a recessed pit. Pits are problematic when there are underground features such as electrical lines or pipes, when there are water run off issues, when lifts may be moved in the future (deserted pits must be filled) or when budgets are tight and the cost of a recessed pit is too expensive. We can help you decide between recessed docks and top of ground docks by comparing the totally installed cost of either type of unit.
The other clickable aids listed above should be able to answer most of your questions, but we always welcome the opportunity to help you any way we can at the toll free number below.